




<h1>91.Never set to work at anything if you have any doubts of its prudence</h1>

Never set to work at anything if you have any doubts of its prudence. A suspicion of failure in the mind of the doer is proof positive of it in that of the onlooker, especially if he is a rival. If in the heat of action your judgment feels scruples, it will afterwards in cool reflection be condemned as a piece of folly. Action is dangerous where prudence is in doubt: better leave such things alone. Wisdom does not trust to probabilities; it always marches in the midday light of reason. How can an enterprise succeed which the judgment condemns as soon as conceived? And if resolutions passed <i>nem. con.</i> by inner court often turn out unfortunately, what can we expect of those undertaken by a doubting reason and a vacillating judgment?



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