




<h1>68.It is better to help with intelligence than with memory</h1>

It is better to help with intelligence than with memory. The latter needs only recollection, the former requires thought. Many persons omit what is appropriate to the moment because it does not occur to them; a friend&#39;s advice on such occasions may enable them to see the advantages. It is one of the greatest gifts of mind to be able to offer what is needed at the moment: for want of that many things fail to be performed. Share the light of your intelligence, when you have any, and ask for it when you have it not, the first cautiously, the last anxiously. Give no more than a hint: this <i>finesse</i> is especially needful when it touches the interest of him whose attention you awaken. You should give but a taste at first, and then pass on to more when that is not sufficient. If he thinks of No, go cleverly in search of Yes. Most things are not obtained simply because they are not attempted.



明日未临 武侠卧底,从满级神功开始无敌 抱错文里的万人迷养子 稳定发疯[星际] 长短经 隔壁家的小白莲(女尊) 东山月皎皎