




<h1>83.Allow yourself some venial fault</h1>

Allow yourself some venial fault. Some such carelessness is often the greatest recommendation of talent. For envy exercises ostracism, most envenomed when most polite. Envy counts it to perfection as a failing that it has no faults; for being perfect in all it condemns it in all. It becomes an Argus, all eyes for imperfection, only for its own consolation. Blame is like the lightning; it hits the highest. Let Homer nod now and then and affect some negligence in valour or in intellect-not in prudence-so as to disarm malevolence, or at least to prevent its bursting with its own venom. You thus leave your cloak on the horns of Envy in order to save your immortality.





成为了无限游戏美人NPC 家养迷你龙傲天 万古灵帝 婚后心动 名侦探之召唤笔记 温柔的你 对照组咸鱼被读心后躺赢了[七零]