




<h1>52.Never be put out</h1>

Never be put out. It is a great aim of prudence never to be embarrassed. It is the sign of a real man. of a noble heart, for magnanimity is not easily put off ballance. The passions are the humors of the soul, and every excess in them weakens prudence. If they overflow through the mouth, the reputation will be in danger. Let us therefore be so much and so great a master over ourselves that neither in the most fortunate nor in the most adverse circumstances can anything cause our reputation injury by disturbing our self-possession, but rather enhance it by showing his superiority.



成为了无限游戏美人NPC 家养迷你龙傲天 万古灵帝 婚后心动 名侦探之召唤笔记 温柔的你 对照组咸鱼被读心后躺赢了[七零]