




<h1>38.Leave your luck while winning</h1>

Leave your luck while winning. All the best players do it. A fine retreat is as good as a gallant attack. Bring your exploits under cover when there are enough, or even when there are many of them. Luck long lasting was ever suspicious; interrupted seems safer, and is even sweeter to the taste for a little infusion of bitter-sweet. The higher the heap of luck, the greater the risk of a slip, and down comes all. Fortune pays you sometimes for the intensity of her favours by the shortness of their duration. She soon tires of carrying anyone long on her shoulders.



成为了无限游戏美人NPC 家养迷你龙傲天 万古灵帝 婚后心动 名侦探之召唤笔记 温柔的你 对照组咸鱼被读心后躺赢了[七零]