
第13章 (第2/15页)


Surprisingly, the owner of this cafe is a famous football star.

Song Yan turned to leave, but suddenly thought of something and turned around quickly.

“bye, how’s the donation going?

this is not the chaos of people killing each other, but the chaos of the forest, life and death, endless chaos.

\"Yes, sir, I saw him fight with the leader of a small camp in china, and the leader shot him.\"

\"mr. Zhang, thank you for your support.\"

Fortunately, the scope of his slaves has expanded, which means that Yuzhe has expanded his authority and power. he was very happy and said: \"where are your steps?

If you still remember, a salary of 80,000 yuan a month is a very high salary no matter where you place it, even if it is 50,000 yuan more than the previous job. his parents were both demons at the beginning of the apocalypse, but he came to this world by selling his body to support his younger brother!

Something like this happened today. Fellow demons , don't let us leave. Let them leave tomorrow. \"

\"caracas is already very close. I'd better take the first step and go straight to Rio de Janeiro!\"




永劫无间:开局击杀天人榜第一! 大具现师 赵国庆陈芙蓉 无限流:我竟然是个容器 茅山升棺人 独闯深空 暗月世纪